How OneComply Has Become an Invaluable Tool for OPTX’s Licensing and Compliance

OPTX sells their innovative casino intelligence products in jurisdictions across the US. Want to know their secret to tackling the complex and time-consuming license application processes and getting to market faster? OneComply of course!

Check out this interesting and detailed case study, penned by OPTX co-CEO Tom Rafferty, on how OneComply is being used to help the company save time, reduce costs, and accelerate their product implementation and revenue generation. In fact, OPTX has been able to successfully process over 174 applications in a time period once thought impossible.

“By helping us get through the licensing process more rapidly, OneComply has become an invaluable tool in our licensing and compliance efforts, allowing us to capitalize on opportunities and drive growth more effectively in the competitive gaming industry landscape.”

Read the full case study here